Course Assistant Experience
2018-2019 Fall and Spring
Technical Drawing I-II
2018-2019 Fall
Structure in Design
2018-2019 Spring
Structure I
2019-2020 Spring
2019-2020 Spring
2020-2021 Spring
Materials in Design
2020-2021 Fall
2020-2022 Fall
Manufacturing Methods
2021-2022 Fall
Computer Aided 3D Modeling - Solidworks
2020-2021 Fall and Spring
Project I-II
2021-2022 Spring
2022-2023 Spring
Contemporary Furniture Design
2020-2021 Fall and Spring
Visual Communication I-II
2021-2022 Fall and Spring
2022-2023 Fall
Industrial Design Studio I
2022-2023 Spring
Industrial Design Studio III
2020-2021 Fall
2022-2023 Spring
Graduation Project
Academic Papers
June, 2018
Enhancing Place Attachment in Interior Spaces through Utilization of the Sense of Hearing (Master's Thesis)
People use their different senses to perceive and comprehend the environment they live in. Contrary to the sense of sight, the sense of hearing is always open and alert, causing people to be inadvertently under the influence of the stimuli received by hearing organ. Therefore, it is important to focus attention on the sense of hearing and to discuss its effects on the perception of space. For this reason, the study focuses on how to enhance place attachment in interior spaces through utilization of auditory sense in order to introduce the strategic use of music that will contribute to the design success.
June, 2019
The juxtaposition of Mingei and Traditional Japanese Crafts (Dentō Kōgei)
講義「Folkloric Sources of Design」における論文
After the Industrial Revolution radical changes in people’s lifestyle caused a decline in craft production. In 1880’s the Arts and Crafts Movement emerged as a reaction to the rapid industrialization in Britain, and thereafter spread to Europe and America. Ruskin and Morris were the leaders of the movement who promoted the idea of mastery of craft against the slavery of machinery. Reverberations of the movement propagated in a wide area that around 1920’s Yanagi Sōetsu and his friends led a similar movement called ”Mingei (Folk Craft/Crafts of the people)” in Japan. However, Brandt (2007) states that the interest in the folk in Japan not only based on the developments in Europe and the United States, but also ”indigenous histories of curiosity among the literati about rural customs, lore, and material culture” (p. 1). This orientation demonstrates the juxtaposition of Mingei and Traditional Japanese Crafts (dentō kōgei).
July, 2019
A Toolkit for Gamified Assessment in Design Education
講義「Design Pedagogy」における論文
This paper presents the model for application of the gamification into student assessment in design education to support students to improve their ability of self-regulation. Problems in current assessment practice and the inadequacy of assessment feedback are clarified. Applications of gamification into assessment practice in field of education are investigated to show positive effects of gamification on self-regulation. The skills to be assessed and the assessment process regarding design education are described and the application of gamification into the assessment process is demonstrated. The potential of gamification to enhance assessment practice and to help students monitor their learning journey through their education is exemplified.
February, 2020 (To be presented at PLATE 2023 Conference, Aalto University, Finland in June 2023)
User Influences on Product Life-spans: A Case Study of Toys based on Material Qualities
講義「Environmental Sustainability and Industrial Design」における論
Life-span optimization has an important role in sustainable consumption. Even though it seems like designers can estimate the product life-span during the design process roughly, users have a huge influence on product life-span which is unlikely to be predicted precisely without observing their interactions with the product throughout the product life-span phase by phase. Therefore, it is important to analyze the product life-span in every phase that the product is acquired, utilized, possessed and disposed by the user. First, the product category must be identified to conduct the life-span optimization strategies systematically. Durable goods (such as home appliances, furnitures etc.) rather than throw-away goods (such as food, detergents etc.) are the main subject of these strategies. Small work or personal care appliances, mobile phones and pagers, and toys are relatively short-lived products compared to other durable goods. In this research, toys are selected in this product category to be investigated, because it has remained unexplored previously. User influence on product lifespans regarding toys is studied based on the product characteristics determined by the material of the product. The interactions of the user with the product throughout the product life-span is explored in relation to the material qualities. The results present how different qualities of various materials influence the way of utilization of the product by the user, and consequently the product life-span.
February, 2020
Co-design for Sustainability: Utilization of Food Waste for Stray Animals in Collaboration with Local Communities in Istanbul
講義「Environmental Sustainability and Industrial Design」における論文
This study aims to involve all stakeholders in the design process to contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this goal, the participatory design will be practiced using co-design techniques for sustainability. Food waste is a global problem and a sustainability issue in contemporary society. It can only be solved in collaboration with local communities to be able to define the problems extensively and create more effective solutions by sharing thoughts and exchanging ideas with people who are living in the problem area. Istanbul is a metropolis with a population of nearly twenty million people and three hundred thousand stray animals. Because of the limited number of animal shelters, local people share the public space with their helpless neighbors. It creates an opportunity to prevent food waste and sustain a better environment for both local people and stray animals. Municipalities, NGOs, design researchers, designers, design students, and locals will be called for action to work in collaboration for a participatory design project that deals with the utilization of food waste for stray animals. This design project will be conducted as a series of design workshops that co-design sessions with various stakeholders will be held. The possible solutions generated by workshop teams will be assessed in terms of implementability and the best proposals will be presented to the authorities to make a move regarding the issue.
June, 2020
Knowledge Transfer through Virtual Environments in Design Studio
講義「Methods for Practice-led Design Research」における論文
In various fields of design practice from design education to user studies, it is apparent that virtual tools and environments are getting more and more prevalent lately. Especially, nowadays people have lowered their physical interactions with their surroundings. It is inevitable that virtual tools and environments have an impact on how knowledge is created and transferred. The experiences and interactions in physical are limited when compared to ones in virtual. Besides, knowledge creation and transfer are not exclusively dependent on physical tools or environments. However, the transition from physical to virtual on knowledge creation and transfer process remained unexplored in design practice. In this study, previously applied and utilized virtual media including virtual tools and environments in design studios are investigated to map the knowledge transfer processes through virtual. The SECI model is applied to design studio dynamics to show the interrelations between the actors and the activities related to knowledge transfer. The design studio members altogether are considered as an organization as suggested in this model. Five case studies carried out in different design studios of various disciplines from literature in which virtual tool or environments are utilized are examined to unfold the mechanism behind knowledge transfer. Concept mapping method is used to visualize the roles of the virtual media through knowledge transfer process by demonstrating the design studio members and the key interactions together. As this paper revealed the role of the virtual media in knowledge transfer process in design studio, the barriers and the useful points in utilizing virtual media are discussed to guide design instructors to provide better environments for knowledge transfer.
June, 2020
Inclusivity Levels of Outdoor Playground Equipment and Their Influence on Inclusive Playgrounds
講義「Inclusive Design and Well Being」における論文
Play is one of the most important activities that encourages exploration and socialization in child development. Children have the right to play, but not every child has the same ability levels which leads to limited opportunity to play due to lack of suitable playground equipment. Even they are called barrier-free, current inclusive playgrounds in Turkey are not inclusive enough to have children with diverse ability levels to participate in play, because inclusion is not understood properly at all. It is crucial to examine playground equipment to reveal whether they meet the requirements for inclusive play not. If playground manufacturers do not provide suitable products for inclusive playgrounds, communities will not be able to build better playgrounds for children. The aim is to investigate the inclusivity levels of the playground equipment and reveal the inclusivity levels of different products from various playground equipment manufacturers. In this study, outdoor playground facilities which enable inclusion are defined according to their purposes in the playground. The equipment utilized in these facilities which are provided by playground manufacturers are demonstrated. Products from 14 manufacturers from Turkey (7), Australia (1), UK (2), USA (3), and Sweden (1) are examined in the next stage. Then the products are assessed whether they are accessible, inclusive, or universal. In last, 11 playgrounds from Turkey are investigated to reveal the correlation between inclusivity of equipment and inclusive playgrounds. Even though they are produced for the same activities, playground equipment varies in functionality according to different playground manufacturers and affects the inclusivity levels of the playgrounds.
February, 2021
Knowledge Exchange Platform for Cultural Sustainability: Safeguarding Endangered Crafts
講義「Design Thinking」における論文
This study aims to create a platform to bring elder people and younger generation together to prevent negative effects of aging regarding the sustainability of intangible cultural heritage. The elderly hold the knowledge and values which are inherited from generation to generation. However, nowadays this process is interrupted as people got drifted away from traditions and local practices due to globalization and technological developments. Local and traditional crafts will be the main subject in this study.
Young people have a strong motivation to travel and work for whom provide them accommodation for free. Therefore, platforms such as Couchsurfing, Workaway, HelpX and WWOOF are really popular among them as it is surveyed in the study. This inclination can be utilized to encourage young people to protect intangible cultural heritage. It requires a collaboration between government, local authorities, universities, teaching institutions, NGOs, NPOs, students and local craftsmen. Local or traditional crafts are an important part of intangible cultural heritage. It is crucial to encourage young people to take responsibility to protect those practices. To prove the potential of this kind of platform, a questionnaire is conducted to assess young people’s inclinations concerning knowledge exchange with older people and cultural sustainability. Even though large portion of the participants (88.9%) have not used above mentioned platforms yet, most of them (69.9%) want to use them someday. This finding determines the platform’s potential target group.
May, 2022 (To be presented at PLATE 2023 Conference, Aalto University, Finland in June 2023)
Understanding the Social Mechanisms behind Sustainable Behaviors to Extend Clothing Lifespan (In progress)
As a part of Doctoral Thesis
December, 2022 (Work in Progress)
Reflections of Sustainable Clothing Policies: Investigating User Practices in United Kingdom, Japan, and Turkiye
Related to Doctoral Thesis
Workshops and Projects
November, 2021
Funded by Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA)
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Murat GÜL
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Zeki TURAN
Prof. Dr. Gülname TURAN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nihan YILDIRIM
Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz LEBLEBİCİ BAŞAR
Res. Assist. Sühendan EROĞLU
Res. Assist. H. Kübra YILDIZ
July, 2018
Yahşibey Design Workshops #42
Child-Centered Design for Public Play Spaces in an Aegean Village
Gökçe Elif BAYKAL (Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey)
Cansu ORANÇ (Koç University)
Doğa ÇORLU (Koç University)
Maarten VAN MECHELEN (TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands)
August, 2016
IMIAD Workshop 2016 Nicosia – North Cyprus
Inhabiting Nicosia: Interior Strategies for the Public Realm
Özge CORDAN, PhD (ITU, Istanbul, Turkey)
Susie ATTIWILL, PhD (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia)
June, 2012
Purpose Driven Shape: Natural Role Models as Inspiration for Smart Mechanics and Lightweight Design
Istanbul Technical University
Prof. Dr. Axel THALLEMER (University of Linz, Linz, Austria)
Prof. Dr. Martin DANZER (University of Linz)